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The land of the former Wyman United Church is subdivided into two properties - the one on which the temple building stands, and one which includes the two parking areas to the west and south-west.  The south-west area also includes an area of trees.

Villa Wyman purchased this land from Wyman United Church in order to build an affordable, bilingual, assisted living residence for seniors from our area.  

At this time there is no such residence in Hudson, and our seniors who need moderate care are forced to leave the community and go to places such as Vaudreuil or Hawkesbury, severing their community ties. This is a very sad situation.  

Villa Wyman cannot respond to every need, but the hope is to provide approximately 18 units with meals and other assistance.  The architect has indicated that he expects that most of the building can be built on the area that is currently asphalt, though sketches of building placement and more will be forthcoming in the next several weeks.  The hope is to be able to retain and to properly maintain a treed area.

Villa Wyman will make every effort to respond to the needs of potential residents, as well as to minimize any negative impact upon the neighbours and the peaceful Hudson setting.